Established in Doncaster 1931
We now offer OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) using the very latest hospital grade equipment to examine your retina to a cellular level. This can detect some eye condition 4-5 years earlier than a standard test. * An extra charge is payable for this test
We can also determine age related eye complaints such as worsening reading vision, often occurring as a result of general wear and tear. And, more seriously we can identify macular degeneration, another age related eye condition. Bell Brothers have been accredited as a Doncaster NHS Screening Centre to provide Stable Glaucoma check ups for glaucoma patients as an alternative to them attending the Doncaster Royal Infirmary Eye Clinic. Similarly, at the opposite end of the spectrum we are involved in a new NHS Doncaster Trial, The Children’s Vision Screening service. Bell Brothers carry out an initial assessment of a child`s vision and report our findings on to the NHS for further treatment if required. Both of these services save the NHS substantial expense, speed up the entire process and make it a much more pleasant experience all round.